Purchase any ProBT running or cycling Kit and receive a free FX Chip BLE -$270 value.
Enter code fxchipble at checkout to claim your free Fx Chip BLE.
If you wish to customise any running or cycling kits to your specific use, the following can be used as a Guide.
To capture additional split times you require an additional Tx transmitter per split, for example with 1 extra Tx Junior Pro you could take a 10m and 20m time, with 2 extra Tx Junior Transmitters you could do a 10m, 20m and 30m split.
If you wish to have more than 1 runner at a time you require an additional Fx Chip BLE per Runner.
So the bonus offer on the base kits allows to have 1 extra rider or runner on your Freelap system.
If you require any assistance feel free to call us on 1300 516 158 or email info@freelap.com.au
View our products below.